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10 Pregnancy Power Foods

There are many key nutrients to add into your diet to maintain a healthy pregnancy. MVP Fuel, with the help of Anna Larsson, has narrowed the list to the Top 10 Pregnancy Power Foods.

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  1. Greek Yogurt


You want your baby born with strong bones and good teeth. Greek yogurt is packed with high amounts of Protein and bone building Calcium to help keep your calcium intake high.


  1. Orange Juice


Orange Juice is not only high in Vitamin C but it also has high levels of Folate. Folate is very important in preventing health defects and maintaining a healthy pregnancy.


*Don’t forget to buy Orange Juice fortified with Vitamin D because it increases blood circulation in the placenta and aids in Calcium absorption so your baby will have stronger bones.


  1. Eggs


Eggs are a great source of Iron, Folate, and Choline. Choline is critical to fetal brain development and reduces the risk of Neural Tube Defects.


*Give your baby an advantage by buying eggs fortified with Omega 3s.


  1. Sweet Potatoes


Sweet Potatoes are a great source of Fiber, Vitamin B6, and Potassium. Sweet potatoes are especially important because of their high source of Beta Carotene and Antioxidants that convert into Vitamin A


  1. Nuts


Nuts are packed with brain boosting Omega 3s along with Protein, Fiber and a variety of vitamins and minerals. Nuts also have a large amount of Magnesium. Magnesium rich foods help develop your baby’s nervous system and reduce the risk of premature labor.


  1. Beans


For those of you that are not big meat eaters, beans have a large amount of baby friendly vitamins and minerals that are also found in animal products  such as Iron, Folate, and Protein and Calcium.


  1. Fish


For those of you who love your fish, Salmon is an excellent source of Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Protein and have the least amount of mercury found in any fish.


  1. Leafy Greens



Leafy Greens such as spinach, broccoli, and kale are important to add to your diet because of their large amounts of Antioxidants. Vitamin A is the most important reason to eat these leafy greens because it helps develop the baby’s eyesight and aids the baby’s bone and skin growth.


  1. Oatmeal


Fiber filled oatmeal helps keep energy levels up especially if morning sickness has you feeling down. It is also high in Protein and Vitamin B6.


  1. Lean Beef


Women need to increase their protein sources during pregnancy and lean beef is packed with Iron and B Vitamins. You need to increase your Iron intake by 27 mg per day and lean beef is a great source of Iron.





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