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What is your body type? Ectomorph, Endomorph, or Mesomorph?


What is a mesomoprh body type?

Mesomorph – Commonly known to be genetically blessed, mesomorphs have no problem gaining muscle, losing weight, and having an athletic build without trying. Mesomorphs are the perfect combination of ectomorph and endomorph body types.

Free diets for mesomorphs maintain a balanced diet, 40% Carb, 40% protein, and 20% fat. In order to gain weight, free diets for mesomorphs take in more calories than are needed to maintain while keeping the balanced percentage. In order to lose weight, free diets for mesomorphs decrease carb intake and increase protein intake.

What is an endomorph body type?

Endomorph – Commonly referred to as “big boned” because of their “hour glass” shape. Endomorphs have a very difficult time losing weight and seem like they can’t look at food without gaining a few pounds. That’s because you are insulin dominant, your sympathetic nervous system is sluggish, and your carb tolerance is non-existent.

Although losing weight is an extremely frustrating process for an endomorph, you need to look at the bright side. Free diets for endomorphs can help you put on lean muscle mass very easily and you should take advantage of that. Free diets for endomorphs focusing on lean muscle mass will require clean calories to be used to retain muscle mass and not be stored as fat.

Endomorphs sometimes experience a carbohydrate sensitivity and an insulin resistance. Free diets for endomorphs are low-carb diets that won't stimulate high levels of insulin and glucose release when foods are eaten. Free diets for endomorphs focus on lean proteins, low carbs, and increase meals to 6+ small meals per day. Free diets for endomorphs focus on protein because it takes up to 30% more effort for your body to digest protein than it does for fats and carbs. That means for every 100 calories you eat your body only can use 70.


What is an Ectomorph body Type?

Ectomorph – Commonly referred to as the “Hard Gainer,” Ectomorphs have trouble adding fat and muscle because they are typically skinny with small joints and very lean muscle. While everyone tries to keep weight off, you can't keep weight on because an Ectomorph is carb tolerant, has a high metabolism, is thyroid dominant, and has a sympathetic nervous system that is in constant overdrive.

Free diets for ectomorphs allow you to do what most only dream of, which is take advantage of carbohydrates. It is best to keep your carbs unprocessed, starchy, and whole. Free diets for ectomorphs add things like sweet potatoes instead of bagels and that can go a long way for an ectomorph. Also, drinking your carbs is ideal for you ectomorphs, especially during your workout. Ectomorphs want to do the exact opposite of someone trying to lose weight and that means free diets for ectomorphs add protein shakes directly after your workout and add carbohydrates to that shake!!


Eating more calories doesn’t give you the excuse to eat junk food and make unhealthy choices. Remember, just because you are eating extra calories doesn’t mean those calories shouldn’t include plants, whole foods, and moderation.

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